
Decorating a Kid’s Bedroom to Grow with Them

Decorating a Kid’s Bedroom to Grow with Them

Decorating a Kid’s Bedroom to Grow with Them


If your child is quickly growing from a baby to a toddler, you may realize it’s time to upgrade the nursery into a viable kid’s bedroom. It’s also occurring to you that your toddler will soon be a school-aged kid and a teenager after that.

How are parents supposed to pick a bedroom scheme that can change with their child’s changing interests as they get older? The trick is to fill the space with flexible, sensible items that can be quickly swapped out as your kid grows. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Choose Pieces that Grow with Your Child

One popular type of convertible kid’s bedroom furniture is a crib that turns into a toddler bed. This allows you to get a few more years out of your investment before it’s time to upgrade to a twin or double bed.

Don’t Choose a Set Theme—Accessorize Eclectically

It’s tempting to buy a kid’s bedroom set, bedding, art, and accessories with their favorite cartoon character on everything, but what will you do when their tastes change next year? To avoid having to rethink the entire space, decorate your kid’s room with individual accessories you can easily replace as they get older and want something new to display.

Decorate with Your Child’s Artwork

You love that your child is artistic, but you’re not interested in cluttering up the refrigerator with their drawings and finger paintings. The solution is to frame the pieces and hang them in your kid’s bedroom. Dedicate an entire wall to serve as an art gallery. Once it’s full, start swapping out the oldest pieces for new ones.

Provide Ample Storage

Every parent hates their kid’s messy bedroom, and every kid hates to clean up. To help solve this problem, outfit the space with plenty of storage. When your child is young, this might mean colorful toy bins and square storage units. As they grow, you may need to swap these out for a more sophisticated armoire, storage bed, and shelving.

Consider a Loft Bed

If you’re short on space, give your child more room to spread out by elevating the bed closer to the ceiling. A loft bed leaves room to play or work beneath the sleeping area. Of course, if two of your kids share a bedroom, more traditional bunk beds are a space-saving must. No matter which route you go, the key is to utilize overhead space to the fullest.

Are you on the lookout for chic, stylish furniture to put in your kid’s bedroom? Check out what we have available at Home Consignment Center. We are constantly adding new, one-of-a-kind items to our showroom floor, so you’re bound to find suitable consignment furniture for your child’s room and the rest of the house as well! It’s easy to swap out high-quality home furnishings for something fresh and new at an affordable price.

Want to see our incredible selection of home furnishings and accessories for yourself? Find a local Home Consignment Center, and stop by today!

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