
The Top 2022 Home Decor Trends According to Instagram

Every year, new trends sweep across the home decorating world

Every year, new trends sweep across the home decorating world. Some of these trends are slow to catch on, while others explode onto the scene and become widely popular before you know it. This can make it hard to stay on top of what\’s hot right now. Luckily for you (and anyone else who wants to be fully prepared), we\’ve done all the research necessary to bring you all of the latest and greatest home decorating trends for this year and beyond! Here is our annual roundup on some of the hottest upcoming interior design styles that will soon take over houses across America according to Instagram.

Wall Stencils

We\’re kicking things off with a style that needs little introduction—wall stencils! These painted patterns are taking over homes at record speeds, and there\’s no sign of them letting up anytime soon. Wall stenciling is more complicated than your average paint job, but the results are well worth it. There are thousands of different designs to choose from, meaning that you\’ll be able to find something perfect for your home.

Bohemian Décor

Bohemian décor is set to become one of the most sought-after styles in just a few short years. For those who aren\’t familiar with the boho style—it\’s characterized by natural colors and materials like straw or wicker alongside rich fabrics like velvet. The result is an earthy look that feels both classy and comfortable without sacrificing its uniqueness factor!

Skeleton Decor

You may be wondering why a skeletal theme is going to become a top home decor choice for Americans everywhere, but the answer will surprise you. We already know that many people are turning towards more earthy and natural looks thanks to boho décor, but what do you think happens when those two combine? That\’s right—you get skeleton decor! You\’ve seen this look becoming more popular in recent years as people have been using bones as unique decorations both inside and outside of their homes.

Glow-in-the-Dark Home Décor

The glow-in-the-dark trend has been around for a while now, but it\’s evolving into something new that we think you\’ll love! One of the biggest changes in this coming year will be that glow-in-the dark décor is moving beyond just glowing rocks and planters. Nowadays, people are making everything from yarn to home accessories out of this fun substance.

Graphic Prints

While contrasting patterns have been around for a while now, they\’re about to become even more prominent in American homes. That\’s because graphic prints are starting to take over as one of the most popular styles when it comes to furniture, lighting fixtures, bedding—you name it. Bold colors and simple shapes are what you can expect when opting for graphic prints.

Nautical Decor

This style has always been especially popular in coastal areas, but it\’s about to explode in popularity nationwide. That means that you\’ll soon be seeing anchors, rope, and even nautical flags everywhere! If this is a look you love—you better get shopping now before everyone else does.

We hope that these predictions will help you plan for your home decor needs! We know how overwhelming it can be trying to stay on top of all the latest trends, so we\’ve done the research for you—and beyond! As 2022 introduces yet another batch of fashionable styles to choose from, you\’ll be one step ahead of the game incorporating these trends into your home! Looking for a resource to help you shop these imaginative trends? Shop Home Consignment Center! Our inventory will help you redecorate with one-of-the-kind pieces AND stay on budget!

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